

Small (5'3") but fiery, sexy and shapely raven-haired brunette spitfire Madison Stone was born on Janury 12, 1965 in Miami, Florida. She first became active in adult cinema in the late 1980s and wound up appearing in well over 100 explicit hardcore movies. Madison was notable for sporting a very striking and distinctive raw'n'punky look in her day: Besides having numerous tattoos, she also had multiple piercings in her nose, tongue and cleavage (the Madison piercing, a body piercing at the front of the neck, was named after her because she was the first person to be publicly associated with it). She's a member of the AVN Hall of Fame and was voted the XRCO Favorite Female in 1993. Madison made occasional forays into more "legitimate" R-rated low-budget mainstream fare: She has a memorably saucy small part as an enticing stripper in the superior erotic thriller 胴体情迷 (1990) and a more substantial leading role as the brassy Roxanne in 弗雷德·欧伦's enjoyably lowbrow horror comedy outing 邪灵入侵 (1992). After retiring from the porn business Madison went on to become a singer in the bands Kiss The Monkey and Four Ugly Women. Moreover, Stone has been associated with the tattoo industry since the early 1990s and went on to run her own tattoo parlor called the Madison Tattoo Shoppe in North Hollywood, California before eventually moving and settling down in Belize.


Multiple body piercings include her neck, tongue and nose (among others). Usually worn in shifts, with only a few piercings holding rings/jewels in any one appearance.

Minnie Mouse tattooed above her ankle.

Adult film actress.

Scream queen.

Owns and runs the Madison Tattoo Shoppe in North Hollywood, California. [June 2010]

Has mostly left acting (and has entirely left the adult business) to pursue a singing career. She is the lead singer of the band Kiss the Monkey. [2001]


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