

欣快奖2020 Best Supporting Actress - National Competition (提名) 黄金德比2018 Drama Guest Actress《使女的故事 第一季》 (提名)2009 女配角 (提名) 皇后棕榈国际电影节2018 最佳女主角《Laboratory Conditions》 (获奖) 黄金电影奖2018 最佳女主角《Laboratory Conditions》 (获奖) 西部电影节2014 Career Achievement (获奖) 20/20颁奖2013 最佳女配角《我的表兄维尼》 (提名) 国际电影协会奖2009 最佳女配角 (提名) 俄亥俄州中部影评人协会2009 最佳女配角 (获奖) 金球奖2009 最佳电影女配角 (提名)2002 最佳电影女配角《意外边缘》 (提名) 意大利在线电影奖(IOMA)2009 Best Supporting Actress (Miglior attrice non protagonista) (获奖) 美国评论奖选择奖2009 最佳女配角 (提名)2002 最佳女配角《意外边缘》 (提名) 奥斯卡金像奖2009 最佳女配角 (提名)2002 最佳女配角《意外边缘》 (提名)1993 最佳女配角《我的表兄维尼》 (获奖) 国际在线电影奖(接种)2009 最佳女配角 (提名) BAFTA奖2009 最佳女配角 (提名) 圣。美国路易斯电影评论协会2008 最佳女配角 (提名) 旧金山影评人圈2008 最佳女配角 (获奖) 底特律影评人协会奖2008 最佳女配角 (获奖) 金·施默斯奖2008 Best Supporting Actress of the Year (获奖) 奖励电路社区奖2008 最佳女配角 (提名)2001 最佳女配角《意外边缘》 (提名)1992 最佳女配角《我的表兄维尼》 (获奖) 电影独立精神奖2008 最佳女配角《在魔鬼知道你死前》 (提名) 圣地亚哥影评人协会奖2008 最佳女配角 (获奖) 好莱坞电影奖2008 年度最佳女配角 (获奖) 格雷西艾伦奖2007 Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series《Rescue Me》 (获奖) 乡村声音电影投票2007 最佳女配角《在魔鬼知道你死前》 (提名) Chlotrudis奖2002 最佳女配角《意外边缘》 (提名) 美国展览大会2002 年度最佳女配角 (获奖) 轰动娱乐奖2001 Favorite Supporting Actress - Comedy/Romance《偷听女人心》 (提名) 美国喜剧奖1999 Funniest Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture《比佛利山辣妹》 (提名)1993 Funniest Actress in a Motion Picture (Leading Role)《我的表兄维尼》 (提名) 日间艾美奖1997 Outstanding Service Show Host《Marisa Tomei's Salute to Shirley Temple》 (提名) 演员工会奖1997 Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role《摘下满天星》 (提名) 拉兹奖1992 最差女配角《弹指威龙》 (提名)


Marisa Tomei was born on December 4, 1964, in Brooklyn, New York, to Patricia "Addie" (Bianchi), a teacher of English, and Gary Tomei, a lawyer, both of Italian descent. Marisa has a brother, actor Adam Tomei. As a child, Marisa's mother frequently corrected her speech as to eliminate her heavy Brooklyn accent. As a teen, Marisa attended 爱德华 High School and graduated in the class of 1982. She was one year into her college education at Boston University when she dropped out for a co-starring role on the CBS daytime drama As the World Turns (1956). Her role on that show paved the way for her entrance into film: in 1984, she made her film debut with a bit part in 冲击 (1984). Three years later, Marisa became known for her role as Maggie Lawton, 莉莎·博内特's college roommate, on the sitcom A Different World (1987).

Her real breakthrough came in 1992, when she co-starred as 乔·佩西's hilariously foul-mouthed, scene-stealing girlfriend in 我的表兄维尼 (1992), a performance that won her a Best Supporting Actress Oscar. Later that year, she turned up briefly as a snippy Mabel Normand in director 理查德·阿滕伯勒's biopic 卓别林 (1992), and was soon given her first starring role in 心荡神驰 (1993). A subsequent starring role -- and attempted makeover into 奥黛丽·赫本 -- in the romantic comedy 我心属于你 (1994) proved only moderately successful.

Marisa's other 1994 role as 迈克尔·基顿's hugely pregnant wife in 媒体先锋 (1994) was well-received, although the film as a whole was not. Fortunately for Tomei, she was able to rebound the following year with a solid performance as a troubled single mother in 尼克·卡萨维蒂' 摘下满天星 (1996) which earned her a Screen Actors Guild nomination for Best Supporting Actress. She turned in a similarly strong work in 烽火惊爆线 (1997), and in 1998 did some of her best work in years as the sexually liberated, unhinged cousin of 娜塔莎·雷昂's Vivian Abramowitz in 塔玛拉·詹金斯' 比佛利山辣妹 (1998). Marisa co-starred with 梅尔·吉布森 in the hugely successful romantic comedy 偷听女人心 (2000) and during the 2002 movie award season, she proved her first Best Supporting Actress Oscar win was no fluke when she received her second nomination in the same category for the critically acclaimed dark drama, 意外边缘 (2001). She also made a guest appearance on the animated TV phenomenon The Simpsons (1989) as Sara Sloane, a movie star who falls in love with Ned Flanders. In 2006, she went on to do 4 episodes for Rescue Me (2004). She played Angie, the ex-wife of Tommy Calvin (丹尼斯·利瑞)'s brother Johnny (迪恩·文特斯). At age 42, Marisa took on a provocative role in legendary filmmaker 西德尼·吕美特's melodramatic picture 在魔鬼知道你死前 (2007), in which she appeared nude in love scenes with costars 伊桑·霍克 and 菲利普·塞默. Marisa then took on another provocative role as a stripper in the highly acclaimed film The Wrestler (2008) opposite 米基·洛克. Her great performance earned her many awards from numerous film societies for Best Supporting Actress, a third Academy Award nomination, as well as nominations for a Golden Globe and a BAFTA. Many critics heralded this performance as a standout in her career.


Listed as one of twelve "Promising New Actors of 1991" in John Willis' Screen World, Vol. 43.

Attended Boston University.

Attended 爱德华 High School in Brooklyn, New York. Her brother, Adam Tomei, and 达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基 also attended this high school.

Older sister of actor Adam Tomei.

Has a tattoo of the Egyptian Eye of Ra (protection, good luck abundance) on her right foot.

In 2003, she played the title role in a revival of 奥斯卡·王尔德's "Salome" in an Actors Studio production, directed by Estelle Parsons, on Broadway at the 埃塞尔·巴里摩尔 Theatre; co-stars included 阿尔·帕西诺, 黛安·韦斯特, and 大卫·斯特雷泽恩.

She is of Italian descent. Her family is from Tuscany, Sicily, Campania, and Calabria.

Before the 1993 Oscar ceremony, she told 今夜娱乐 (1981) that her biggest fear was that she would trip on the steps on her way to the stage. She did.

Revealed to 乔恩·斯图尔特 on 每日秀 (1996) that she sometimes travels under an Italian passport. (Oct 2004)

No relation to Concetta Tomei.

Holds dual United States and Italian citizenship.

Her mother was an English teacher at Cavallaro Junior High School in Brooklyn, New York.

Auditioned for the role of "Dorothy Boyd" in 甜心先生 (1996).

In the early 1990s, she had a relationship with 小罗伯特·唐尼 (her co-star in 卓别林 (1992) and 我心属于你 (1994)). In 1999, she was with actor Dana Ashbrook and had a relationship with Frank Pugliese. She (as of 2009) now dates actor Logan Marshall-Green, who is twelve years her junior.

Until 美国队长3:内战 (2016), she had never starred in a sequel or a prequel to a film.

One of People Magazine's Most Beautiful People 2009.

Godmother of 佐伊·克罗维兹, daughter of Marisa's A Different World (1987) co-star 莉莎·博内特.

Turned down the female lead in 四个婚礼和一个葬礼 (1994) which went to 安迪·麦克道威尔.

While portraying roommates on A Different World (1987), she and co-star 莉莎·博内特 were roommates in real life.

Announced in 7 February 2005 edition of New York Times, she has signed to join the cast of 尼尔·拉布特's "This Is How It Goes" at New York's Public Theatre, beginning previews, March 8, 2005, co-starring 本·斯蒂勒. [February 2005]

Joins Indian and Pakistani actresses in performances of The Vagina Monologues on a Bombay stage to mark International Women's Day. [March 2004]

She, 马西娅·盖伊·哈登, 罗素·克劳 and 艾德里安·布洛迪 are the only actors to win an Oscar without being awarded for the same performance in none of its predecessor awards (Golden Globe, Critics Choice Awards, SAG and BAFTA). She and Marcia Gay Harden were not even nominated for those awards for their performances in 我的表兄维尼 (1992) and 波洛克 (2000), and Crowe's only award for 角斗士 (2000) before the Oscar was the Critics Choice award.

Was the 104th actress to receive an Academy Award; she won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for 我的表兄维尼 (1992) at 第65届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 (1993) on March 29, 1993.

Is one of 25 actresses who have received an Academy Award for their performance in a comedy; hers being for 我的表兄维尼 (1992). The others in chronological order, are: 克劳黛·考尔白 (一夜风流 (1934)), Loretta Young (农家女 (1947)), 约瑟芬·赫尔 (我的朋友叫哈维 (1950)), 朱迪·霍利德 (绛帐海堂春 (1950)), 奥黛丽·赫本 (罗马假日 (1953)), 歌蒂·韩 (仙人掌花 (1969)), 格兰达·杰克逊 (金屋梦痕 (1973)), 李·格兰特 (洗发水 (1975)), 黛安·基顿 (安妮·霍尔 (1977)), 玛吉·史密斯 (加州套房 (1978)), 玛丽·斯汀伯根 (天外横财 (1980)), 杰西卡·兰格 (窈窕淑男 (1982)), 奥林匹娅·杜卡基斯 (月色撩人 (1987)), 雪儿 (月色撩人 (1987)), 杰西卡·坦迪 (为黛西小姐开车 (1989)), 梅塞迪丝·鲁尔 (天涯沦落两心知 (1991)), 黛安·韦斯特 (子弹横飞百老汇 (1994)), 米拉·索维诺 (非强力春药 (1995)), 弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德 (冰血暴 (1996)), 海伦·亨特 (尽善尽美 (1997)), 朱迪·丹奇 (莎翁情史 (1998)), 格温妮斯·帕特洛 (莎翁情史 (1998)), 佩内洛普·克鲁兹 (午夜巴塞罗那 (2008)), and 詹妮弗·劳伦斯 (乌云背后的幸福线 (2012)).

Is one of 22 Oscar-winning actresses to have been born in the state of New York. The others are 艾丽丝·布雷迪, 特雷莎·怀特, 安妮·里维尔, 西莱斯特·霍姆, 克莱尔·特雷弗, 朱迪·霍利德, 雪莉·布思, 苏珊·海沃德, 帕蒂·杜克, Anne Bancroft, 芭芭拉·史翠珊, 简·方达, 李·格兰特, 比阿特丽斯·斯特雷特, 乌比·戈德堡, 梅塞迪丝·鲁尔, 米拉·索维诺, 苏珊·萨兰登, 詹妮弗·康纳利, 梅丽莎·里奥 and 安妮·海瑟薇.

Born on the same day as 切茜娅·诺宝.

After her Oscar win for "My Cousin Vinny", Tomei was targeted by a bizarre conspiracy theory, pushed mostly by film critic Rex Reed. Reed said that Tomei hadn't actually won the Oscar, and alternately stated that presenter 杰克·帕兰斯 had read the wrong name off the Oscar broadcast TelePrompter or gotten confused when reading the card listing the Best Supporting Actress winner and said Tomei's name, instead of that of 瓦妮莎·雷德格雷夫 or 艾玛·汤普森, because it fell last alphabetically. However, the show's producers and Price Waterhouse Cooper vote counters said that, if anything, Reed or other anti-Tomei critics noted happened, a PWC representative had orders to go on stage and state both that a mistake had happened and then announce the actual winner. When this situation really occurred at the 2016 Oscars because 爱乐之城 (2016) was mistakenly announced as Best Picture winner because 沃伦·比蒂 was given the wrong information (it was a copy of 艾玛·斯通's winning card for Best Actress), PWC handled this situation exactly as they had described by bringing out the winning card for 月光男孩 (2016). This fully debunked Red Reed's conspiracy theory one final indisputable time.

Both she and her 在魔鬼知道你死前 (2007) co-star 罗斯玛丽·哈里斯 have played May Parker, the aunt of Peter Parker / Spider-Man, in films based on Marvel Comics: Harris in 蜘蛛侠 (2002), Spider-Man 2 (2004) and Spider-Man 3 (2007) and Tomei in 美国队长3:内战 (2016) and 蜘蛛侠:英雄归来 (2017).

Was offered the role of Trinity in The Matrix (1999) but turned down the role.


Usually plays characters that are, or have been, in damaged relationships and/or have emotionally damaged lives.

Plays independent women with a carefree appearance but with a complex personality and a difficult life.

Sidekick roles

Her smile

Lisp, breathless voice



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